Viewing articles tagged 'e mail'

How to create e-mail account in cPanel Step by step instructions on how to create an email account in cPanel.Login to your cPanel... How to reset e-mail password in cPanel? To reset the password of email accounts via cPanel, please follow the below steps:1. Login to... How to unsuspend an e-mail account? In this guide, we will explain how to unsuspend an e-mail account from your c-Panel when you... Setting Up an Email Account in Outlook 2013-2016 Before you can configure email software to send and receive emails from our servers, you... Set Up Mail Client To be able to send and receive emails from your email client, you need to set up email... How to access webmail After you create email account in cPanel, you can acces webmail using folowing... How do I create an email account on iPhone? You can create an email account on your iOS in two ways - manually and automatically. In this... How to create Email Forwarder in cPanel Email forwarder je opcija u cPanelu kojom možete preusmeriti dolazne emailove na neku drugu... Default e-mail address When a cPanel account is created, the system automatically creates a system e-mail address next... How to change MX records in cPanel You can check and change MX records for domains pointed to our hosting nameservers following the... Do you have any restrictions on sending out emails? Yes, we do have some restrictions. We do not allow sending out: One cPanel account can send... What is the size of the e-mail attachment? The maximum file size attachment is currently set to 50 MB for shared hosting. If you try to...
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