How to create Email Forwarder in cPanel Print

  • cPanel, e-mail
  • 7

Email forwarder je opcija u cPanelu kojom možete preusmeriti dolazne emailove na neku drugu e-mail adresu.
There are two scenarios for email forwarding:
  1. You allready have email account on your hosting and you want to forward copy to another email address. In tat case, original email is saved in inbox and copy is forwarded to another address.
  2. You didn't create email account, you only want to forward email and not to keep original.

Let start creating email forwarder. Login to your cPanel account.

Choose on Forwarders in Email group.

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Click on button Add Forwarder.
You can also forward all emails from your domain to other email address.

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Fill the form:

  1. enter usernem for email
  2. select domain name from dropbox if you have more than one domain on your hosting
  3. eneter email address where you want to forward emails
  4. Click on button Add Forwarder to create forwarder

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If you want to forward email to more the one email addres, just repet steps for new email.

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That's it!


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