Ownership change for the .RS domain Print

  • promena registranta, domeni, registrant domena, ownership change, .RS, domain
  • 1

A registrant is a person or organization that owns a specific domain. A registrant change procedure is necessary when domain ownership is transferred to another person or organization.

If you are the owner of the domain and want to transfer ownership of the .RS domain to someone else, you need to order the registrant change service, which is charged 6,5 EUR.

Only the domain owner can submit a request to change the registrant! It is important that the request is sent from the e-mail address that was used when registering the domain.

After payment, you should open a support ticket with a change request and all the information of the new registrant. The following information of the new registrant needs to be submitted:

In case the new registrant is natural person:

Information of the new registrant

Name and surname:

Address, city and postal code: (from ID card or passport)

Phone no.:

E-mail address:

In case the new registrant is a legal entity:

Information of the new registrant

Company name:

Company registration number: Registration number of a legal entity or entrepreneur (for foreigners, another unique identification code, assigned to a legal entity or entrepreneur during registration in the home country)

Address, city and postal code: (company headquarters)

Phone no.:

E-mail address:

After receiving the request and data, SkyHosting initiates the procedure for changing the registrant in RNIDS, and the deadline for completion is 20 days from the date of submission of the request. Current, as well as new registrant receive an email from RNIDS with a link in it. It is necessary for both current and new registrant to click on the link in their email to confirm the change request and the correctness of their data.

For the new domain owner, the email looks like the picture:

change of registrar 1

For the current owner of the domain, the email looks like the picture:

change of registrar 2

IMPORTANT: In order for the request to change the owner of the domain to be completed, it is necessary that both steps have been completed within 20 days (that the new and current registrant have clicked on the link)

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