MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel Print

  • cPanel, MultiPHP, PHP
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The MultiPHP INI Editor in cPanel allows you to make configuration changes to your PHP settings. This is in addition to MultiPHP Manager which allows you to change the PHP version of your sites, an additional PHP tool.

Basic Mode

Basic Mode allows you to make changes to some common types of PHP configurations.

1. Login to cPanel.

2. Under the Software section, select MultiPHP INI Editor.


3. From the drop-down menu, select Home Directory or domain name to open the appropriate PHP configuration.

4. Within Basic Mode, you have the option to edit the most frequently changed variables:

  • max_execution_time
  • max_input_vars
  • memory_limit
  • upload_max_filesize

MultiPHP ini editor

5. When you have finished making changes, select the Apply button.

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