When you want to migrate your site to us, you need to provide us with certain access data, and we will do our best to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. It usually takes up to 24 hours for this process to be completed, and it often goes even faster depending on the size of the site, whether emails are being transferred or not, as well as whether we will encounter any problems during the transfer that are beyond our control, e.g. the slow performance of the old hosting provider. In agreement with you, we will perform the migration at a time when there is the least traffic on the site so that it does not affect your business.
To request a site migration, you need to open a support ticket with a site migration request and hosting panel access. We will need the following information:
If the site is hosted on cPanel
cPanel URL:
Also, you can create a full backup of cPanel, and send us link to the backup file . Most cPanel migrations include all domains, databases, files, settings, email accounts, mails, etc.
If the site is not hosted on cPanel
We will need the login details of control panel you have on your current hosting. Additionally, we will need all the information you have about the site, such as the domain name, which database the domain uses... and any additional information that would help us to migrate faster. When you open a support ticket, we'll see if anything else is needed and let you know as soon as possible.
NOTE: If you are not transferring the domain to us, but only the site, you need to have access to change the DNS server and set the domain to Skyhosting nameservers after we complete site migration.