How do I create a subdomain on the cPanel? Print

  • poddomen, poddomen cpanel, cpanel, subdomain
  • 3

In the earlier "Paper Lantern" version of cPanel, there was a separate "Subdomains" section within the "Domains" section. In the newer "Jupiter" theme, subdomains are created directly in the "Domains" option.

  • Log in to cPanel
  • Click on "Domains" under the "Domains" section

poddomen 1

  • Click on "Create A New Domain"

subdomains create new domain

  • In the "Domain" field, enter the desired subdomain name, for example, enter "" to create a subdomain "subdomain" on the domain ""

subdomain name

  • Uncheck the box for "Share document root"

subdomains share root

  • By default, cPanel will choose the location of the subdomain files, but you can change this, this location will be placed in the directory, e.g. "/home/example/"

subdomains submit

  • Click the "Submit" button to complete the process od creating subdomain

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