Novi napad na SSL preti bezbednosti
Jedna trećina svih servera može biti ranjiva na „DROWN“ napada
1. marta 2016. istraživači su objavili detalje o novoj ranjivosti SSL/TLS protokola. Analiza je pokazala da između 20-30% svih servera može biti afektirno. Srećom, ovaj napad verovatno nije korišćen od strane zlonamernih, a zaštita ...
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Today, users typically have two or more different control panels, one for web hosting management (cPanel) and one for payment and support. We want to change that and provide tighter integration for our web hosting customers.Thanks to Application Links technology, for our web hosting customers all functions can now be performed from a single ...
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Recently, the Joomla project released version 3.4.5.This update patches a critical security vulnerability that can easily allow full access to your website and disclosure of all the information in your database.Our records show that one-third of Joomla 3 owners are still vulnerable to this critical security issue.Failure to apply the patch to ...
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